Welcome to Nordeste
With the pure air, the peaks and the imposing mountains on the jagged slopes, where the sea seems more extensive and the horizon line indefinable, the Northeast is the gateway to peace and contemplation of nature, the ideal destination for those seeking nature tourism. A total area of 101 km2 has a mild, temperate climate, with very little temperature variation between winter, 14ºC, and summer, 22ºC.
Here, one walks across a distinctive piece of land on the island of São Miguel with breathtaking views, superb valleys, mountain ranges and imposing mountains, waterfalls and refreshing streams. You jump from viewpoint to viewpoint (which one is the most beautiful) and intoxicate your eyes with the masses of flowers that make Nordeste the most flowery municipality.
We are kind enough to welcome you and transmit to those who visit us the emotion of being in a land that preserves its best heritage to better welcome you. With this premise, we are a Sustainable Destination, awarded with the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism for the Priolo Lands.
Useful Contacts
Atendimento Geral – geral@cmnordeste.pt
Apoio à Presidência – apoiopresidencia@cmnordeste.pt
Comunicação e Cultura – cultura@cmnordeste.pt
Secção do Pessoal – pessoal@cmnordeste.pt
Secção do Expediente – expediente@cmnordeste.pt
Secção de Contabilidade – contabilidade@cmnordeste.pt
Gabinete de Serviço Social – servicosocial@cmnordeste.pt
Secção de Taxas e Licenças – licencas@cmnordeste.pt
Gabinete de Arquitetura – arquitectura@cmnordeste.pt
CPCJN (Comissão de Protecção de crianças e Jovens do Nordeste) – cpcjn@cmnordeste.pt
Biblioteca Municipal –anarmedeiros@gmail.com; cultura@cmnordeste.pt
Aprovisionamento e Património – aprovisionamento@cmnordeste.pt
Desporto – desporto@cmnordeste.pt
Informática – informatica@cmnordeste.pt
Tesouraria – tesouraria@cmnordeste.pt
Posto de Turismo – posto.turismo@cmnordeste.pt;
Museu do Nordeste – museu@cmnordeste.pt;
Fiscalização – procopiodutra@cmnordeste.pt;
Veterinário Municipal – veterinario@cmnordeste.pt